Hi Everyone,

Well... it's been a bit since I last posted, BUT I have great news to share...
I finally got the full-time, fully benefitted job that I've been struggling to get for a little over a year since I left my career as a public educator. I started a job with the State of California as a policy analyst this past week (28 August 2006). The contracts are signed, I've been performing my job well and I feel secure enough to publicly announce it.
The new job will involve a few changes for me and one of the most saddening for me on a personal level is that I'm going to have to give up my Wednesday night gaming group at A-1 Comics. Last Wednesday was my last evening with the guys and I took them all out to dinner as a parting gift. I still hope to see Dave, Dick and Kimbo around, but circumstances will keep me from enjoying their company on Wednesdays for awhile.
Life's been pretty hectic for me recently too... between aggressively looking for better work, working up to three jobs at a time, trying to support an ailing now-ex-girlfriend, moving to a new apartment, seeing my friend Jon & my baby sister get married, and otherwise having the carpet jerked out from under my feet more times than I can remember.... things have been crazy!
The new job promises for a little more stability and chance to see things right again. Amen!

I went this past weekend to
ConQuest SF, which was a shadow of its former self... the Bay Bridge received some much needed emergency earthquake refitting and I think that drove away a lot of potential convention attendees. I still had a good time, but there was a lot of work as well... I hope to write about it sometime in the next week or two... but I have a more important task ahead of me... I need to finish writing a few game reviews and make good to a very patient magazine editor.
At the convention, I met a number of cool folks:
- Dave Arneson, the father of
D&D along with Gary Gyax.
http://www.jovianclouds.com/blackmoor/- Ken Hite, author of numerous RPG & gaming books / article sover the years including
Chaosium Cthulhu products,
GURPs and more.
http://princeofcairo.livejournal.com/- James Ernest, the genius behind
Cheapass Games and other cool stuff...
http://www.cheapass.com/More information about those folks can be found here:
I also met many others including:
- Matthew "Judas" Sicarii, the famed gamer behind the design of
Striker III.
http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/ct-striker/- Aron Clark, well-known Bay Area gamer known for
ASQL (Alien Squad Leader), who threw a great
Dirtside II game tourney at the con.
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aliensquadleader/- Ron Plunk, maestro of the cult gaming classic
"B-17: Queen of the Skies" from
Avalon Hill, who has been transforming a relatively simple number-generating game into a social experience that has been a local favorite for twenty-one plus years!
- Charles Gomez, local gamer extaordinaor, who ran an outstanding Monster Island game... had a blast playing it!
- Mark Steinberg & Mike McGraw, who ran some of the coolest spaghetti Western gunfight games in recent history...
- Lawrence Golinowski, who ran the classic convention favorite: Aerodrome.
- The Flagship Games guys, Rod & Thomas who made their well expected and respected magic...
- Terry Matheny and his friend Harry, who brought Screaming G.I.s III to the convention...
- Chad & Alex, who brought Company Commander to the con, which is soon to be published by GMT Games...
- Peter Bauer, who brought the magic of Starguard to the convention...
- Simon from Aberrant Games...
- Eric from Conquest Miniatures...
- Don from Wartorn Worlds...
- And so many others!
I'll have to write up a big post later.

But... in the mean time, a little treat for my readers...
Check out this link for Hard Rock Super Mario Brothers!
If you remember, it wasn't so long ago that I wrote about Socialist Super Mario Brothers, so it seemed only fair to share Hard Rock Super Mario Brothers! Enjoy!
I wish everyone the best!
Labels: ASQL, ConQuest SF, RPGs