COOL STUFF: Talk Like a Pirate Day 2008!

Top: Cap'n Rackham's colurs...
Ahoy Mateys,
Avast me hearties...
Ye best be rememberin that 19 September is thee annual Talk Like a Pirate Day!
So's wherever ye are--at port, or out ta sea, or in the dungeon, don't ferget ta use yer best pirate voice at all times, or ye may end up tied to the yard arm, or in Davie Jone's locker at the bottum of da briney sea.
Aaarrrrr... ye scurvy dogs, ye best folla da Pirate's code, or suffer yer fate.
Avast scum!!!

Aaargh...Remember, those that go there during ye work time will have to waaaalk the plaaaank!!!
Yo ho ho...
Cap'n Maksim "Peg-leg" Smelchak.
A hearty greet'ins to me mate, the right honurable Commander "Tas" of da Ozzie Navy!
One more hearty greet'ins to me mate, Cap'n Stephan "Poopdeck" LeFeb... whatever! Ahoy, mate!
Notes regarding photos / pictures / videos: These are not all my images and videos. I am using various images and videos from around the web, mostly from public sources and/or private sources used with permission. I have tried to include only images and videos under public domain, creative commons, or fair use. If I have inadvertently violated any copyrights, please inform me and I will remove your image/s (if it is indeed an infringement).
Labels: Cool stuff, Pirates, Talk Like A Pirate Day, Tas
At 6:17 AM, September 28, 2008,
Paul O'G said…
Yaaaarrrggghhhhhh matey!
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