
TOP: Maksim's robot gang (painted and everything!).
Hi All,
Short post today... mostly I wanted to prove that I could finish a project. These are the same robots from a few weeks ago that I was working on... the "Savage-munda" gang. I assembled them, primed them, put a base coat, a wash, a little bit of detail and pronounced them ready for combat. I'm no Matakishi, but I'm proud that I got these guys from raw metal to ready in less than a week's time... with a busy work week.
TOP: The robot gang takes cover. 
TOP: The robots scoured the cargo yard looking for the missing droid.
TOP: Maksim's droid gang really had to have something in this cargo yard...
They searched it for... like forever!
TOP: Maksim's robot gang (bottom) started next to...
An abandoned construction tractor (middle)...
And a weird ventilation complex (top).
I still have some more bots in my
"28mm Robot" storage shoe box, but these guys are table-ready for now.
Have a great Tuesday!
Notes regarding photos / pictures / videos: These are not all my images and videos. I am using various images and videos from around the web, mostly from public sources and/or private sources used with permission. I have tried to include only images and videos under public domain, creative commons, or fair use. If I have inadvertently violated any copyrights, please inform me and I will remove your image/s (if it is indeed an infringement).Labels: 28mm, Robots, Savage Worlds, Savage-munda
At 2:31 PM, August 14, 2007,
Matakishi said…
Good work M.
Soon everyone will be completing projects in a week :)
At 5:13 PM, August 14, 2007,
MaksimSmelchak said…
Hi Matakishi,
Thanks for writing!
I somehow doubt that, but at least I can say I did it... ONCE!
At 1:54 AM, August 16, 2007,
Paul O'G said…
I still think your Robot leader should be Bender from Futurama!
At 5:27 PM, August 17, 2007,
MaksimSmelchak said…
Hi Tas,
If I can find a good Bender mini, I'll have to consider it!
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