MINI WARGAMING: 28mm Government Teleportation Pad Complex (GTPC)!

Hi All,
Last month a bunch of friends got together at the MWS gaming club meeting on 21 July 2007 and had a great time gaming, the way it's supposed to be: a bunch of friends gathering, all having prepped some figures for sci-fi skirmish gangs (...I brought a robot gang), a well thought-out game scenario, and some gorgeous terrain. Mark C., Richard M., Mike O., and I built gangs to play in Richard's adaptation of Necromunda to the Savage Worlds rule set. The Savage-munda game was a good time for all who played in it.
One of the stand-outs from the terrain lay-out was the Government Teleportation Pad Complex (GTPC), which was made from three pieces:
1. A large two-story structure with an open passage through it.
It's Mark C.'s creation so please take a gander and admire his craftsmanship:

In the game, it ended up being the death knell for poor Mike O. who snuck around in the sewers and ended up randomly popping up under Mark C.'s gang, which was slaughter... to be caught out in the open with a well-armed enemy in superior firing position... who also happened to have grenades. Mike O. was a good sport about it though. Good for him. He later reincarnated back into the game as some NPCs of the "Orkie" persuasion.
I really love these terrain pieces!
Have a great Wednesday!
Notes regarding photos / pictures / videos: These are not all my images and videos. I am using various images and videos from around the web, mostly from public sources and/or private sources used with permission. I have tried to include only images and videos under public domain, creative commons, or fair use. If I have inadvertently violated any copyrights, please inform me and I will remove your image/s (if it is indeed an infringement).
Labels: 28mm, Dick, Mark C., Miniatures terrain, Necromunda, Savage Worlds, Savage-munda, Sci-fi
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