MINI WARGAMING: "YONDERBOY: I want 6mm brainnnsss!"

Hi All,
One of the things I like best about maintaining my gaming blog is hearing from others or having my projects and photos inspire others. One of my pet projects over time has been to build a 6mm "Zombie Town" and I've posted from time to time as I've built more and more miniatures adn terrain towards this goal. One fellow 6mm minis fanatic who has been inspired by my work and kind enough to write has been Mike AKA Yonderboy (YB). Mike recently was kind enough to write and share some photos from his 6mm zombie project. I hope you enjoy them:

TOP: YB - Survivors in 6mm:
Minis are from Irregular Miniatures 6mm Riot Range.
Buildings are my own cardstock creations.
From left to right: Sam L. Johnson (detective), Jerry (postman), Dr. Hawthorne,
Jeff (w/pistol), Savannah (lady trucker in red cap and vest), &
Mrs. Johnson (with whacking purse), Billy Bob (hunter).

TOP: YB - Hardsuited fire team ready to extract survivors:
Infantry and tanks are from Ground Zero Games Dirtside range.
Walker is from Games Workshop Epic Imperial Guard.

I was very impressed and inspired by his work... which reminds me that I need to work on my "6mm Down Town Urban City" project! Godzilla needs someplace to stomp when the Zeds aren't in town! I've been too distracted by the 28mm undead lately...
Thanks Mike AKA Yonderboy!
To see Yonderboy's TMP post, please look here:
To see Yonderboy's Displaced Miniatures photo gallery, please look here:
Notes regarding photos / pictures / videos: These are not all my images and videos. I am using various images and videos from around the web, mostly from public sources and/or private sources used with permission. I have tried to include only images and videos under public domain, creative commons, or fair use. If I have inadvertently violated any copyrights, please inform me and I will remove your image/s (if it is indeed an infringement).
Labels: 6mm, 6mm Terrain, 6mm Zombies, TMP, Yonderboy
At 7:36 PM, August 10, 2007,
Paul O'G said…
I guess a little brains Does go a long way! :-D
Love it mate, and as you say, also perfect for a Giant Monster Rampage when an undead biohazard hasnt broken out
At 9:06 AM, August 11, 2007,
MaksimSmelchak said…
Hi Tas,
Thanks for writing.
Great to hear from you.
And 6mm zombies ROCK!
Shabbat Shalom,
At 9:53 AM, August 11, 2007,
tim said…
Individually mounted 6MM?!!
You must have nimble fingers to be moving hordes of those around?!
At 5:24 PM, August 17, 2007,
MaksimSmelchak said…
Hi Tim,
I prefer to mount 6mm in multiples... but Yonderboy is his own person!
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