MINI WARGAMING: Traitorous "Tzeentsh" Titans From L-4!

Hi All,
My buddy L-4 is always working on something or another... ever since he retired from the Army, he spends part of his time at the gym, whether working or working out, and practically the rest of the time modelling and/or playing games. I've known him for something like over a decade now and seen him develop from a basic painter and customizer ( me!) to a master in his own rights (...unlike me!). Today I'm going o showcase two of this latest creations, both Epic Titans, giant robots, made for the traitorous "Tzeentsh" legions of L-4's home-brew 6mm sci-fi gaming background.
The first Titan to be featured is one I call "Sorcerer's Bird of Prey," a four-winged walker with limited jump capability, medium to heavy armament and a bad attitude!

And the second Titan to be featured is one I call "The Master's Eerie Mount," a two-legged, two-armed walker with little to no jump capability, very heavy armament and an equally bad attitude!

These basic chassis of these Titans were both made by the now out of print Seventh Street Games, which later turned into Flagship Games. L-4 mined his near-endless bitz box for pieces and decals, which he used to transform these cool models. Believe it or not, the mecha were originally AZTEC mecha in the Spirit Warrior background! While Seventh Street Games is out of business, Flagship Games is still alive and well although the miniatures themselves are most likely still out of print. If you wanted a couple, I'd recommend first making an inquiry with Flagship and then going to Noble Knight Games if Flagship doesn't have any.
You can find the Flagship Games site here:
You can find the Noble Knight Games site here:
You can find all of the photos of L-4's "Tzeentsh" Titans here:
Notes regarding photos / pictures / videos: These are not all my images and videos. I am using various images and videos from around the web, mostly from public sources and/or private sources used with permission. I have tried to include only images and videos under public domain, creative commons, or fair use. If I have inadvertently violated any copyrights, please inform me and I will remove your image/s (if it is indeed an infringement).
Labels: 6mm, 6mm Sci-fi, 6mm Walkers, Epic Titans, Epic-Armageddon, Flagship Games, L-4, Mecha, Robots, Seventh Street Games
At 2:54 PM, August 18, 2007,
Paul O'G said…
L4 did a fantastic job on these conversions. And only a bitz box the size of his couldnt have enabled it!
At 6:08 AM, August 20, 2007,
MaksimSmelchak said…
Hi Tas,
I agree... if only...
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