MINI WARGAMING: 28mm Robot Gang In The Works!

Hi All,
I've been long wanting to create a 28mm sci-fi robot gang and my friend, Dick's plan to run a "Savage Worlds / Necromunda" 28mm sci-fi skirmish game this upcoming weekend has been the catalyst to help me get my "robot gang" project going. I've always loved robots from the shiny, chromed bots of the pulps to the tubey-appendaged bots of the 1950s to the latest CGI bots of Battlestar Galactica and the present. I've been collecting robot miniatures for ages waiting for a project to use them on.
This gang was originally planned for use with Star Mogul so there are a few support bots that might be less useful in "Savage-munda." We'll probably only need gangs of about eight, but I provided more bots to have a fuller roster. So, without too much more talk, here's the robo-gang I'm working on:
And his two bodyguards, DCK-550 "Dick" & RCK-565 "Rick."

BOTTOM: Foot troop "Robo Enforcers":
LNY-15 "Lenny", BRC-55 "Bruce," & SQG-35 "Squiggy."

BOTTOM: A second shot of the "Robo Enforcers."

BOTTOM: Sergeant Bots:
ROK-1525 "Sgt. Rock" & STF-1515 "Sgt. Stiffy."

BOTTOM: Lieutenant Bots:
VLD-116 "Lt. Vlad" & IGR-118 "Lt. Igor."

The right one is a mangled I-Kore sculpt that I found a right arm for...
And will need to find a left hand for...
BOTTOM: The General:
DGR-1000 "Old Digger"

The old paint was plastered on like Tammy Baker's make-up.
BOTTOM: Master Sergeant Bot:
MGO-001 "Mongo"

It was a gift from my buddy, Mikos. Thanks, Mikos!
BOTTOM: Support Robot:
SPKY-5000 "Sparky" (right), a mechanic bot.

I REALLY love its' funky retro-50s look.
BOTTOM: Support Robot:
BNS-911 "Bones" (left), a mechanized medic.

So, priming is on tomorrow's docket...
Labels: 28mm, Dick, Mikos, Mini Wargaming, Robots, Savage-munda, Sci-fi, Star Mogul, Work bench
At 2:08 AM, July 22, 2007,
Paul O'G said…
Great collection of Bots and Droids mate!
At 8:21 AM, July 22, 2007,
MaksimSmelchak said…
Hi Tas,
Thanks! I like 'em!
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