
6mm-Minis is Maksim-Smelchak's blog to discuss gaming, miniatures, books, movies, food, Israel, Judaism, life in general and other funny crud. My favorite scale of miniatures is 6mm, which is also called 1/285 or 1/300 scale. I enjoy many different kinds of games including ancients, Napoleonics, WWI, WWII, the Arab-Israeli conflict, Car Wars AKA Autoduel (a sort of crash'n'derby automobile combat game), 6mm Godzilla AKA Kaiju games, and science fiction games. I'm open to everything though!

Monday, July 16, 2007

COOL STUFF: Deathstar Mania! Part-Uno (16 July 2007)

. TOP: The actual Death star... in film!

Hi All,

I never stop marvelling at the depths to which the Star Wars franchise has infiltrated modern culture, whether...

TOP: It's in mock advertising of the humorous variety...

TOP: Or you just happen to notice that the AT&T logo bears a startling resemblance to...

TOP: Or this actual logo, which doesn't even try to hide its' inspiration...

TOP: And no one would be surprised if the last ComicCon was held in a hallway...
...with a must-be-more-than-coincidental resemblance to...

TOP: A certain Tx-11 CAKE packing a certain planet-destroying punch...
...much rougher than "double-chocolate-fudge"...

TOP: Do you think it could destroy the birthday boy?
...especially if he's from Alderaan.

Hey, DUDE! You know what would be a cool Halloween costume?

TOP: DUDE! That sucks! Check out my stereo and new sub woofer!
Whoa, Spicoli, man! Pass over the joint...

Yup. It's too late...

...and we were afraid of H.G. Wells' "War Of the Worlds."

Have a great Monday!


Notes regarding photos / pictures / videos: These are not all my images and videos. I am using various images and videos from around the web, mostly from public sources and/or private sources used with permission. I have tried to include only images and videos under public domain, creative commons, or fair use. If I have inadvertently violated any copyrights, please inform me and I will remove your image/s (if it is indeed an infringement).

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