GAMING NEWS: "LOTHS Is Here!" (27 February 2008)

Hi All,
Well, my copy of Warhammer Historical Legends of the High Seas (LOTHS) came in today and I'm very impressed with it. The production value is very high and after a few glances, I still have yet to find a typo. Another bonus is that the language is understandable and lavishly illustrated with diagrams. And for us miniature mavens, the most important detail of all is there... it is richly filled with photos of well-painted 28mm miniature pirates, pirate ships, and terrain.
After a cursory reading of it, I'm also impressed with the rules. They aren't quite as fast-play as Pirates! from Flagship Games, but they are about as quick-play as I think anyone could make a game using the Warhammer engine. The color text and character rules for heroes and the like are well-done... I can't wait to give them a good run-down at my local club. The campaign rules also look to be very entertaining. However, like most Warhammer games, LOTHS is a D6 based game. I've never liked the probability range on a D6 or even 2D6, but that's small price to pay for such a well written and produced rule set.
I ordered my copy from Black Scorpion Miniatures:
And took advantage of a deal to not only get LOTHS, but also two FREE minis as a promotional deal: a cabin boy and a captain! I would like to commend Black Scorpion Miniatures for excellent service.
LOTHS has its own Yahoo E-group here:
And I couldn't write about 28mm pirates without mentioning two of my other favorite pirate manufacturers:
I have received excellent service for many years from Flagship Games and over the last year from Black Cat Bases. Most of my ships are Flagship Games beauties and most of my newer crew will be based on resin bases from Black Cat Bases. Long live the Pirates!
Have a great Wednesday!
I also wanted to mention the awesome new 28mm pirate ship that my fellow 6mm miniatures fan, Kieran made. Link here:
Notes regarding photos / pictures / videos: These are not all my images and videos. I am using various images and videos from around the web, mostly from public sources and/or private sources used with permission. I have tried to include only images and videos under public domain, creative commons, or fair use. If I have inadvertently violated any copyrights, please inform me and I will remove your image/s (...if it is indeed an infringement).
Labels: 28mm, Black Cat Bases, Black Scorpion Miniatures, Flagship Games, Pirates, Warhammer Historical