MINI WARGAMING: New Blog From Tas!
My friend Tas has created his own blog now called "Yours In a White Wine Sauce!"
YIAWWS is primarily about Victorian Science Fiction (VSF), which is also called steampunk among other things.
Here's an intro from Tas:
It all looks like good fun and I'm happy to announce his new blog here!Whats this humdrum all about Chaps?
Well, it's this new Officer's adventures in 2mm VSF wargaming and general ramblings about Aeronefs, Land Ironclads, Terranefs and all manner of contraptions and steam conveyances. It may not make sense, but there will be large quantities of claret and a nice cheese board at the end.
Tas is an old friend as well as an Australian Navy officer and is best known to the gaming community for one of his previous web sites about SJG's OGRE game.
Watch out for the pop-ups at PanPac Alliance... it's an older free site that pays for itself though pesky advertizing. It hasn't been updated for several years and has some bad code, but Tas hopes to rebuild it someday.
At 1:11 AM, March 02, 2006,
Paul O'G said…
Well thankyou indeed for the Kind words and promo Maks! Dashed good of you Old Boy!
Yes, its been awhile since I ran into one of those cyberterrors so Ive traded in the Nuclear reaction and laser weapons for a Boiler, Nordenfelt and Martini-Henri!
Great to see you drop into the Mess again- next time it'll be my treat for Brandy and cigars!
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