NEWS: Life-size New Castle In the Works (22 November 2008)

I’ve come along to an important decision for the future of this blog that has been a long time in the making: I’m going to switch the content of this blog over entirely to hobby-related or soft content. When I originally became a blogger, I wanted to write a blog that encompassed the entirety of who I was, but over time, I’ve come to realize that my key enjoyment of writing 6mm-Minis has been related to the hobby-related or soft content: pictures of minis, reports of gaming sessions, light-hearted jokes, etc. While I enjoyed the journal-like aspects of the blog and found them useful (I’ve actually kept the vast majority of my hobby-related New Years Resolutions for a number of years running now), I think that a healthy separation of the two is a good idea.
- So, in that light, I plan to split the blog into two pieces:
1. 6mm-Minis will become a blog entirely devoted to hobby-related and soft content.
2. A separate blog will be created in the future to discuss everything else.
And that means that my long-term goal of being the guy to host the big games will soon come to fruition. For years, I’ve always been the guy who faithfully attended the games that other folks hosted. I tried hosting games at my tiny apartment for a period of about 10 months in 2006 and 2007, but always found the lack of space confining. And at one point, I hosted at a local library in a community room but again found the limitations… well, too limiting. Well, for years I’ve been admiring all of those gentlemen gamers out there who could have a dedicated gaming room, a place to regularly set up and host games. And soon that will be me!
The new place I’m about to close on has a large well-lit garage with plenty of work space for projects and a large two-car garage worth of open area in which to set up tables and host games. It also has built-in shelves along one wall and extensive additional lighting overhead. I’m planning on turning it into a dedicated project area / gaming room. For a first step, I plan to paint the area and populate it with a few fold up tables over a carpet. I try to keep my initial goals modest.
And I’m planning to have a housewarming event for as many of my local gaming friends as possible sometime in January or February 2009. So, here’s hoping to great success!
A brief break down of the local November gaming meet:
Sunday November 16th
MWS Meeting
1. Game Rules: AK47
Genre: Modern 20th Century Conflict - Fiction
Mini Scale: 15mm
# of Players: 6 players, 1 referee
Opponents: 3 African dictators
Brief Game synopsis: Looked like fun. Seeing all the 60s
Soviet kit running around a shanty town was a blast.
2. Game Rules: FWC (Future War Commander)
Genre: Science Fiction
Mini Scale: 6mm
# of Players: 5 players, 1 referee
Opponents: 3 Space Marine sides, 1 Eldar side, 1 Tyranid side
Game synopsis: This was the lcub's first playtest of FWC and we liked it. Some of us had played one of the rule set's predecessors BKC so we had an inkling of what was going to happen. The game, despite having five sides broke down into two fights nd went well. We all learned something about the game and had a good time. It also gave me the excuse to pull out my massive Epic collection and get the lead moving. Good fun for all.
Shabbat Shalom,
Notes regarding photos / pictures / videos: These are not all my images and videos. I am using various images and videos from around the web, mostly from public sources and/or private sources used with permission. I have tried to include only images and videos under public domain, creative commons, or fair use. If I have inadvertently violated any copyrights, please inform me and I will remove your image/s (...if it is indeed an infringement).
Labels: MWS, Personal history, Session report