HUMOUR: World's Fastest Growing Religion: Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster?
Some days I get up on the right side of the bed and something really funky still strikes me upside the noggin...

I came across this today:
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
And while I have a few beliefs of my own, I couldn't help but applaud the Pastafarians!

*** Maybe the church is really a plot by the Mexican government to subvert our youth as revenge for the "restrictive" immigration policies of the US government? ***

I mean how much chutzpah does the US have for asking Mexican immigrants to legally come to the US!
We all know that the US goverment is really a bunch of imperialist pasta-mongers!
After all, Mexico is much more a land of noodle-istic pastafarian opportunity than the US!
Or maybe Mexico is just afraid of anti-pasta Hollywood actors taking over the government of the country like California citizen and Neo-pasta-ite Arnold Schwartzenegger has here:
And you should catch the trailer for the next big Schwartzenegger film hit here, Little Tortilla Boy:
How cool... and wacky!
Have a great day!
Labels: Funky links, Humour
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