MINI WARGAMING: "Wonders of 28mm Paper Pulp!" (5 November 2007)

It was just a month or so ago that I attended ConQuest San Francisco 2007 and this year was a breakthrough for me in finally seeing the incredible value one can get with paper scenery. My buddy Nils ran an awesome set of three linked 28mm pulp games and the paper scenery he used was nothing short of amazing. I had helped him playtest some of the games early on... before he assembled his paper scenery. My last major experience with paper scenery was the paper castle that came in a Dragon Magazine back in the 1980s... and what a change has come over paper scenery since then. Nils has all sorts of awesome paper scenery goodies: a loading dock, a mad scientist's headquarters complete with a giant ray gun and much more!
My other semi-recent experience with paper scenery came from a buddy who has since moved back East and has played with making paper models. I'm including one of Chuck's links below so you can check out the awesome Eldar grav tank he designed.
Link to my buddy Chuck's site with a cool paper model of an Eldar grav tank:

Nils is a master of cheap materials... his wooden trucks came from Walmart and he often posts at TMP under his stage name of Black Cavalier. A coat or so of paint and the Walmart trucks went from OK to looking pretty snazzy. Nils does wonders with his minis.
And his experimentation with paper scenery prompted me to see what's out here. I'm including a link below to a great round-up article on 28mm paper scenery manufacturers.
Link here:

When I eventually work up some 28mm modern zombies, I think I'm going to go with paper scenery despite having witnessed the awesome 3D splendor of the Zombie Town games. It's a heck of a lot less expensive to go with paper scenery and even when you consider assembly time, it's easier to print, cut, and glue paper models than having to do the same with non-paper miniatures scenery made of resin, plastic, or other materials which require cleaning, preparation, assembly, and painting. Being able to skip the painting step really saves on time. At any rate, I was very impressed with the 28mm pulp paper scenery I saw at ConQuest San Francisco 2007!
Link to Zombie Town games:
Link to Wartorn Worlds, maker of fine scenery made of innovative materials:
Link here to World Works Games, makers of fine 28mm paper scenery:
Update (5 November 2007 at roughly 9:30am):
Nils wrote in to make sure that the manufacturer of the terrain he used gets proper credit. Nils used paper terrain from the The Mean Sets made by The Virtual Armchair General. Thanks, Nils!
Link here:
Update (5 November 2007 at roughly 1:00pm):
Nils updated his blog with a snazzy battle report and better photos of the game.
Link here to Nil's Intro:
Link here to Nil's "Building the Board" article:
Notes regarding photos / pictures / videos: These are not all my images and videos. I am using various images and videos from around the web, mostly from public sources and/or private sources used with permission. I have tried to include only images and videos under public domain, creative commons, or fair use. If I have inadvertently violated any copyrights, please inform me and I will remove your image/s (if it is indeed an infringement).
Labels: 28mm, Chuck, ConQuest SF, Nils, Paper miniatures scenery, Pulp gaming, Zombie Town
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