Wednesday, June 18, 2008

FUN VIDEOS: "Dance Off With the Star Wars Stars 2008" (18 June 2008)

Hi All,

First of all, I'm sharing the above video, which I thought was really amusing. If the first two dance numbers are a tad annoying, please hold out for the third, Lord Vader comes out to do one of my all-time favorite Michael Jackson numbers (Forward to about the 3:00 minute mark if you want to skip the first two dance numbers). It worth it for no other reason than to see Lord Vader's head bobble in that characteristic Michael Jackson way...

I've also been keeping busy lately... but haven't forgotten gaming. The June MWS meet went really well with almost twenty attendees AGAIN!

We had three games:

  1. Starmada
    ( "starship scale" or some ridiculously puny number such as 1/3,000)
    [Vince had set up a scenario between Chinese and German future fleets.]
  2. Advanced Squad Leader (ASL) for Miniatures
    ( 6mm or 1/285 scale)
    [Eric set up a WWII Western Front scenario with Americans confronting dug-in Germans.]
  3. Hordes of The Things (HOTT)
    ( 15mm scale)
    [Joe set up a cool little series of games with Orcs battling Dwarf Kings laden with treasure.]

And despite not playing in any of the games, I had a great time. Gaming, for me, has always really been about friends, camaraderie, and having a good time. And the MWSS (Miniatures Wargaming Society of Sacramento) has really been delivering lately.

We have a new schedule too:

The new schedule for the Miniature Wargaming Society of Sacramento is:

Day / Date /Time:
Sunday = 7/13/8 = 10am-6pm
Sunday = 8/10/8 = 11am-7pm
Saturday = 9/27/8 = 11am-7pm
Saturday = 10/18/8 = 12am-8pm
Sunday = 11/16/8 = 11am-7pm
Saturday = 12-20-8 = 12am-7pm

All meetings at the Carmichael Library located at 5605 Marconi Ave in Sacramento

I'm looking forward to gaming much more this year with MWS AKA MWSS. I hope to host a few more 28mm pirate games, maybe a few 28mm WAB games, and possibly a 6mm Kaiju / Godzilla game soon among my other wishes and long shots!

I'm also excited to be going on a vacation trip to New York in the first week of July. I'll be visiting my uncle, some old friends, and even, perhaps, getting a choice game or two in. Here's hoping...

And one other quick news tidbit:

My buddy Tas in the land of Oz has re-started his old OGRE web site as a blog... find it here:

So, good gaming to you!
And have a great Wednesday!


Notes regarding photos / pictures / videos: These are not all my images and videos. I am using various images and videos from around the web, mostly from public sources and/or private sources used with permission. I have tried to include only images and videos under public domain, creative commons, or fair use. If I have inadvertently violated any copyrights, please inform me and I will remove your image/s (...if it is indeed an infringement).

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