MINI WARGAMING: 6mm GZG Infantry Miniatures.

Hi Everyone,
My friend Luis (Cuban Commissar) recently asked anyone if they'd seen or owned any of GZG's 6mm science fiction infantry so this is a post written for him.

TOP: 6mm ESU troops (front view - close-up) from GZG.
Photo by Cuban Commissar.

Photo by Cuban Commissar.
First off: Yes, I own many of GZG's 6mm sci-fi infantry figures and I love them! Many other Epicomms members own them too including Cybershadow (Iain), L-4 (Ralph) and several others whose names are escaping me at the moment.

TOP: 6mm FSE troops (front view) from GZG.
Photo by Cuban Commissar.

Photo by Cuban Commissar.
Both of GZG's 6mm sci-fi lines had infantry packets although the majority of the best ones came from their Dirtside II line. I probably have a few of all of the packets by now and have posted photos of my Arab figures before. I'll see about putting them up again.

Photo by Cuban Commissar.

Photo by Cuban Commissar.
The figures themselves tend to size well with GW's Epic-Armageddon figures, but allowing for the medium (...cast metal instead of plastic), are more compact and squat than GW's 6mm plastic figures.
They come in packs of about twenty to twenty-four figures and come with little metal bases that fit 2, 3 or 4 figures per base.

TOP: 6mm NSL troops (front view) from GZG.
Photo by Cuban Commissar.
They are expensive for how many you get in a pack. Both Scotia and Irregular's 6mm sci-fi infantry are a better deal for your money.
TOP: 6mm UN troops (front view - close-up) from GZG.
Photo by Cuban Commissar.
TOP: 6mm UN troops (front view) from GZG.
Photo by Cuban Commissar.
I do like the figures alot and will buy more in the future when the opportunity presents itself.
Good luck, Luis, and let us know whether you decide to get any!
Shabbat Shalom,
Notes regarding photos / pictures / videos: These are not all my images and videos. I am using various images and videos from around the web, mostly from public sources and/or private sources used with permission. I have tried to include only images and videos under public domain, creative commons, or fair use. If I have inadvertently violated any copyrights, please inform me and I will remove your image/s (if it is indeed an infringement).
Labels: 6mm, 6mm Infantry, 6mm Sci-fi, Cuban Commissar, Dirtside II, Epicomms, GZG, L-4, Sci-fi
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